Bias – The travis effect

John Lennon said ‘Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans’. UX designers are so lucky that they’re getting paid to design some of those plans.

According to Wikipedia, the Travis syndrome means that “We overestimate the significance of the present”

And that certainly is a risk when a UX designer is on a case.. Because when we’re on the job, we think night and day about user tasks and needs. Our job is a big part of our life so it feels important.

But users are living in a different present, they have other things on top of their mind. They don’t care about our design the way we do and they’re right to do so.

The hardest part of designing software is that you always have to realize that what you’re doing will be just a tiny, insignificant part of someone’s life. So be very, very humble.

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