Bias – List length effect

According to Wikipedia, the list length effect means: “a smaller percentage of items are remembered in a longer list, but as the length of the list increases, the absolute number of items remembered increases as well.”

Every now and then, Netflix does a trick. They move ’my list’ all the way at the bottom of the page so I’m forced to scroll through all their own suggestions:

  • ‘Trending now’
  • ’Just added’
  • ‘Because you watched x’
  • ‘Because you watched x’
  • ‘Because you watched z’
  • And so on..

It works. I’ve learned more about their product range and I have watched films because of it. But I really, really hate it. Why? Because they take control without any warning and I can’t do anything about it. It’s almost like an invisible person rearranges the furniture in my living room every week, it’s creepy.

Netflix has a lot to offer so they can afford the occasional dark pattern now and then. But if you’re another company: don’t push it too hard, please..

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